Dehydration can be dangerous if left untreated. If you suspect you may be suffering from severe dehydration, head to Emergency Room as soon as possible.
What Is Dehydration?
Dehydration occurs when the body has too little water. It usually results from not drinking enough water, particularly when working or exercising outside in the heat.
Small amounts of water are depleted from our bodies every time we exhale or sweat, as well as through the urine and stool. When we don’t drink enough water to replace what is lost, we become dehydrated. Dehydration in its severest form can be deadly.
What Causes Dehydration?
Simply put, your body is not getting the water it needs to maintain the proper fluid balance in your cells. Whether this is caused by not drinking enough water or as the result of a fever, excessive sweating on a hot, summer day, or by acute illness involving vomiting and/or diarrhea, the result is that the body’s cells don’t receive the necessary water to work properly.
What Are The Symptoms Of Dehydration?
If you’ve been out in the heat and experience any of the following symptoms, it could mean that your body has become dehydrated. Take action if you notice:
How To Treat Dehydration
Left untreated, dehydration can become severe. For immediate dehydration treatment, you should take the following precautions:
Stop all activity
Rest in a cool, shaded place, or go indoors where it is cool
Drink water and/or sports drinks to rehydrate
Bathe your wrists, ankles, and neck in cool water
If your dehydration symptoms do not improve after one hour, visit a doctor for evaluation and treatment.
You should see your attending doctor immediately for treatment if you experience any of the following dehydration symptoms:
Increased or constant vomiting for more than a day
A fever above 101 F.
Diarrhea lasting longer than two days
Sudden weight loss
Decreased urine production
Excessive or lasting confusion
Seek Emergency Help If You Experience Any Of The Following:
A fever above 103 F.
Extreme confusion, weakness, or lethargy
Difficulty breathing
Chest or abdominal pain
No urine output for 12 or more hours